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Friday, July 16, 2010

Why Monday Sucks!

Monday, AH! that horrible day when you realise your dreamy weekend is over and you're up for another 5 days of mental torture in school/college/work. Nevertheless we all have to face it and we courageously march towards our study place. Not to forget the previous day's hangover, sleeping late night even though knowing how you might be treated by the sunlight in the morning, then regretting it the next day. But we surely won't change will we?
Catch the metro, sleep yet again. Okay, we reach college. Plod our feet till classroom. Realise it is going to be a horrible sleepy lecture. Nevertheless, you don't have an option of bunking it coz your attendance is so minute that even god can't save you, you blabber something and enter the classroom. To your surprise, you've entered very late, teacher looks at you as if you've been caught for drugs, ignores you. You have no option but to enter the class. Your friend says, " Aur bete, kahan tha ab tak? " to which you murmur "metro mein dance kar raha tha, paise mil rahe the, tu kyun nahi aaya? ". The whole time in the class, you either sleep or text someone, texting can be done even to people as close as a metre to you because you have to maintain pin drop silence, and i personally have never encountered a pin drop after silence. It is very important to take the window seat, otherwise you'll end up getting kicked out of the class. Window seats are phenomenal, you get to relish the view! Teacher laughs, you laugh, not because of the joke, but you know why ;-) . You complain and complain, to yourself, rot in hell. I think class can be compared to hell, you get air conditioner atleast, plus you can walk out any moment you want.
Teacher taught you something, everything just passes way over your head . Sudden silence, everyone's quiet. You look towards the teacher, and yes the teacher's grinning nastily at you, you can visualise his evil horns and him snorting. Next moment you're being scolded for what you did, i.e. not paying attention. Sometimes i just wish we could earn attention so that they could be given in such needy hours.
Finally an hour is over, the teacher goes, utters some rubbish you don't even bother to listen. You gasp and breathe deeply in like a fish freshly taken out of the water struggling for air. Phew! Another teacher enters. Same saga continues.
You finally get a chance you relax, go to the canteen eat and drink something. This part is something i take full advantage of. But what the heck! it's over so soon :/ . You're back to classes, though sometimes practicals which can be fun. Yes, you get to leave early, play as much with the apparatus, talk as much as you want.
Finally college torture ends. Back to home, late evening. Day was so horrible, you've got nothing to do but lurk around and talk to ancient acquaintances about your day. You get to know their day went far better than yours. Your body aches, but most of all your mind burns. You go and sleep like kumbhakaran.
What a day isn't it?


  1. woww!! it is such a beautiful read at 445 in the morning!! hahaaa, i could relate to eveeythingggggg!!!!hats off ,mate!
    way to go!

  2. Thanks :D nice to know you liked it :D I'm coming back after a long time!
    May i know one thing, do you know me personally? or you just liked my posts through someone? or just a random reader?
