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Friday, April 29, 2011

I am LOST! :S

After a year approximately, i've set my eyes on my OWN blog. Shameful isn't it? Yes, I agree. But i guess thanks to all the distractions this blog was just distancing itself from me. Or wait! the other way round, is it? See i'm confused. Bah! Distractions are like love and hate things, you love to get distracted for some time, but you hate it once you realise the time you have spent wasting is something you never wanted to end up with. But whatever, you're still happy with the fact and you killed time. HA! yes you killed time, be it for some odd 2-3 hours, but you ended up being the winner. Another thing, distractions only make you deviate from the actual path, leading you to an alternate path with even more interesting results, however making you guilty at the end for not following the old path. Also, how would you have not known about the other path until you had not got distracted? SEE! there is a good side and a bad side of everything.
I don't say i don't have a bad side, it's just that i keep it under control, and the true devil inside me comes out only if triggered in the wrong way, by the wrong people, at the wrong time. The good side of me possesses around 80% of me, thanks to the happy people around me and happy thoughts :D though i guess i can thank my optimistic attitude, "I don't give a damn about what other's think" attitude and "I'm just a KID dude" attitude. The latter one being more prominent, as to what people say :P. I've tried maturing, BUT! yes BUT! to almost everything there is a but. I hate this word BUT! It sounds funny, it can even be wrongly mistaken as 'BUTT' which is exactly what makes 'BUT' funny. Too much of speaking 'BUT' is making the word sound awkward. Unlike others, I don't use a bloody dictionary or heavy words to fill my sentences. I feel writing should be free, I mean it should show what you are, and not what you know.
Critics are always good in my opinion, though they screw up your mood, but what the hell! Go to sleep, get up the next morning and you won't even think of critics. Thank you 'sleep' for that :). I have always been thanking sleep for making me forget anger, anxiety, horror and all emotions that had made my day go haywire.

NOW! I have no idea where this post is going, I'm lost. I think I should just stop now. Time taken to write this? 7 minutes! Yes, I know what you're thinking. That I'm bluffing, but I'm not. I guess this was the reason why i never really got much marks in my english exams. I was too bored to wait and think and write stuff. According to me, it's about just blurting your thoughts on the keyboard through your fingers.
Right! so this post isn't frankly going anywhere, must end it. See i'm so lost. Exams coming up in a couple of weeks. Sadly I have not even opened any of the books. Oh wait! I haven't even bought all the books :P. Sorry for not completing certain sentences, because probably somewhere i got lost :S. Love the smileys, they just explain my mood so well :D. And do wait some more posts, on random stuff. YO!

P.S.- another reason for not getting marks in english was probably for never even reading my answer again. Same goes here, not reading my post before publishing it ;). Keep it natural silly, and ignore the mistakes.

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